I love the magic of synchronicity that unfolds in a workshop or day retreat. Something happens when a group of like minded individuals come together on these workshops/retreats.
My workshops centre around shamanic practice – linking in with the elements, (how the elements relate to us – mind, body, spirit, emotions) medicine wheel, journeying, vision quest, NZ essences (my ‘medicine’ ), true wellness, soul retrieval, heart initiation work (relationship breakdown/loss/grief) managing emotions (90% of our success in relationships and life, power loss, protection, the ‘underworld’ past, animals as guides (totem), creating your destiny, clearing our past, mind initiations, warrior wisdom, chakra energy, standing for greater things.
You experience meditation, vibr
These workshops are designed to be ‘tasters’. Should you want to go on to become a certified shaman/master shaman you can enrol in courses on medicinewoman.com with Franchelle Ofsoske Wyber and Tony Wyber, my teachers.